by stephanie | Aug 19, 2022
Frans “Pacho” Weber Departing from his interest in the reuse of materials, Frans “Pacho” started using oil drum lids as a canvas for his paintings. These works were very characteristic of Curaçao, where millions of oil drums were used and disposed of at...
by Kuki+Ko | Jan 14, 2021
Bianca Berends (1971) was born in Gouda, The Netherlands and is one of the most sought after portrait artists in Europe. Since 2011, she combines living in Curaçao and her native country. The combination her love for Curaçao beaches and her excellent artistry makes...
by Kuki+Ko | Jan 13, 2021
John de Bont (1948) was born in Amstel, The Netherlands and studied art in Amsterdam. His medium is sculpture in wood, stone, bronze, wax, plaster, clay and alabaster. A true globetrotter, you can see the influences of his travels in his work. His pieces are complex...
by Kuki+Ko | Jan 13, 2021
Babs de Brabander-Miltenburg was born in The Netherlands, but has lived on Curaçao since 1962. After her basic training at the Art Academy of Curaçao, she further studied sculpture. However, her preference goes to painting in which she took courses in Amsterdam,...
by Kuki+Ko | Jan 13, 2021
Frederik Willem Alexander Peter Breebaart (1945) was born in Harlem, The Netherlands, but spent an important time of his youth on Curaçao. After a few phases, from abstract to surrealism, Fred found his niche which is now irrevocable tied to him: the naive style of...