Clemens Briels

Clemens Briels

 Clemens Briels (1946) was born in Son, The Netherlands, and decides to dedicate his life solely to being an artist after a successful career as an art director. Briels translates his travel experiences in the Orient, the Caribbean and North and South America through...
Horence Brouwn

Horence Brouwn

Hortence Brouwn (1937) was born in Suriname, and lives on Curaçao since 1973. Initially a math teacher, she is now a sought after sculptor with works displayed in The Netherlands, the US and around the Caribbean. Hortence uses limestone from the Tafelberg, as well as...
Lies Bruens

Lies Bruens

Anna Elizabeth Bruens (1954) was born in Curaçao and studied at the Pedagogic Academy in The Netherlands. Once back on Curaçao and working as a teacher, she took painting lessons but started seriously working on her craft after her retirement. Lies mostly paints...
José Maria Capricorne

José Maria Capricorne

José Maria Capricorne (1932) was born in Curaçao and is the first Curaçaoan art graduate. His work portrays the ordinary, everyday life through magic realism. Capricorne uses nature and the history of the Caribbean region as main reference for his...
Nelson Carrilho

Nelson Carrilho

Nelson Carrilho (1953) was born in Curaçao, and is known for his work in bronze. Often provocative, his sculptures conduce you to thinking further and are rooted in strong emotions. Nelson’s socially involved pieces can be seen in public spaces in both The Netherlands...