Retos – Angel Luis de la Rosa

Retos | Uitdagingen | Challenges

Chica Fitness – Fitness Girl

Angel Luis de la Rosa, born in Santiago de Cuba, has always been surrounded by women, mostly his whole life.
His own mother, who left this world just before he came to Curacao in 2009, her grandmother who has always been part of his upbringing, the mother of his children, but also women in general, the mother of ALL.

With the title of this exhibition RETOS, the artist  refers to the fact that he wanted to dig deeper in the being of the woman, bringing forward her strength, her dynamic, her independency. In his sculptures we see the strong contemporary woman that not only knows how to be the mother, the lover, the housekeeper, but also the modern fighter, standing firm on her feet. With the acces we have nowadays to all what is going on in the world, we can appreciate more and more the strengths of women and all what she is accomplishing.   
Gallery Alma Blou, together with Angel Luis de la Rosa González, is inviting you to attend the opening of this powerful exhibition on Saturday October 30, from 18.00 – 19.30 at Landhuis Habaai.

The exhibition will be on show till November 13, 2021