dedicated to Roberto Matta
Each time we pay a visit to Philippe Zanolino’s studio, he surprises again with new, old work. Back in the nineties, he made a collection of work to show in his native France, but due to unforeseen circumstances this never came to fruition. Philippe now has gotten all these boxes returned to him, filled with gems from his previous work and he wants to share them with Curaçao.
With this magical exhibition ‘What’s In a Name’ we take a trip where his intuition takes him. Philippe may never know where he will end up when he starts working, but he feels that his artistic expression is an inspiration from above. His work is timeless and will always connect with the contemplator.
Gallery Alma Blou welcomes you on November 17, 2018 from 7:30 to 9 PM.
The exhibition will be on show until December 8, 2018.